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Our nursery ensures that children have access to high quality and flexible childcare from the age of 3. The nursery provision is overseen by a qualified teacher and led by an experienced nursery nurse to ensure all children can flourish and thrive in our incredible environment. Our nursery children have access to both indoor and outdoor provision throughout each session. The sessions involve a combination of adult led and child-initiated play. The learning environment is planned to ensure learning and development is sequenced over time.
Here at Finstock, we have fluid and flexible groupings to ensure children are accessing learning at their stage of development. We use an online journal to help record all the learning and fun of your child's early years education. Tapestry enables us to build a very special record of your child's experiences, development and learning journey.
We teach children how to read using Read, Write inc phonics. This excellent synthetic phonics programme enables all children to read accurately and fluently. You will be given the opportunity to attend workshops where we will help you to help your child learn how to read.
If you are interested in finding out more about our Nursery offering or would like to apply for your child to attend Nursery with us please complete the Nursery Application Form.
Also, visit our Admissions Page here, for further information.
To read our Nursery Admissions Policy please click here.
Nursery Application

Miss L Dixon
Oxfordshire, OX7 3BN