Uniform List

We are proud of our school uniform and pupils are expected to come to school in the correct clothing. Embroidered uniform can be ordered from the My Clothing website.


  • Please can all items be named, including coats, wellington boots and PE kits
  • Pupils will require a filled, named water bottle to be brought in to school each day
  • Could pupils bring their book bags to school each day
  • Jewellery and non-essential hair accessories are not to be worn. 

School Uniform

PE Uniform

Red jumper

Red sweatshirt

Red cardigan

White polo shirt

White collared polo shirt

Black shorts

Grey trousers/skirt

Black jogging bottoms (winter)

Grey shorts (summer)

Black plimsolls (indoors)

Red checked (gingham) dress


Black school shoes (no boots or trainers)


Black or grey tights


White or grey socks


Appropriate waterproof coat