Cedar - Key Stage 2

Term 3 and 4 Project - Frozen Kingdoms

                 Frozen Kingdoms 


In the Frozen Kingdoms project, your child will learn about the regions of the Arctic and Antarctic. They will learn about the similarities and differences between these two regions, including the climate, landscape and natural resources. They will learn how to use grid references, lines of latitude and longitude, contour lines and symbols to identify the geographical locations of the Arctic and Antarctic, and how these, along with the tilt of the Earth, affect day length and warmth. They will investigate polar oceans to learn how they differ from other oceans on Earth and how climate change increases Earth's temperature and leads to rising sea levels. They will learn about the indigenous people of the Arctic, including how their lives have changed over time, and about the positives and negatives of tourism in Antarctica. They will also learn about classifying animals, animal adaptations and evolution, and polar exploration and discovery. 




Y3 - Length and Perimeter; Mass and Capacity; Multiplication and Division; Time

Y4 - Length and Perimeter; Mulitpication and Division; Fractions; Decimals

Y5 - Volume; Fractions; Decimals and Percentages; Decimals; Statistics

Y6 - Volume; Ratio; Converting Units; Decimals; Fractions, Decimals and Percentages; Algebra; Statistics 


Class text: The Wolf Wilder by Katherine Rundell


Diary writing: Scott of the Antarctic. Non-chronological report: Emperor Penguins. Narrative: Based on Kensuke’s Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo. Narrative: Based on The Whale by Ethan and Vita Murrow 

Frozen Kingdoms - Memorable Experience

An expedition to Deer Park woods.

Religious Education


Do people need to go to church to show that they are Christians?

The children will explore whether or not people need to go to church to show that they are Christians or whether there are other ways of demonstrating their faith.

Electrical Circuits and Components:

This project teaches children about electrical circuits, their components and how they function. They recognise how the voltage of cells affects the output of a circuit and record circuits using standard symbols. It also teaches children about programmable devices, sensors and monitoring. They combine their learning to design and make programmable home devices. 

Design and Technology 


This project teaches children about remarkable engineers and significant bridges, learning to identify features, such as beams, arches and trusses. They complete a bridge-building engineering challenge to create a bridge prototype. 

Art and Design 


This project teaches children about the Inuit way of life, including some of their cultural and artistic traditions. Significant Inuit artists include Jessie Oonark, Karoo Ashevak, David Ruben Piqtoukun, Lucy Tasseor Tutsweetak and Pitseolak Ashoona. 


Dance; Gymnastics; Netball;

Music Children will be learning about how to compose using the Glokenspiels and write their compositions in musical notation. 

Great achievements within Antarctic exploration include Captain Cook's crossing of the Antarctic Circle, in the 1770s; Captain James Clark Ross' discovery of Mount Erebus, the Ross Sea and the Ross Ice Shelf; and the expedition to reach the South Pole by Shackleton, Amundsen and Scott, between 1901 and 1916 during the Heroic Age of Antarctic Exploration. 



Please ensure that children arrive on Tuesdays (Outdoor) and Wednesdays (Indoor) in their PE kits and bring a named water bottle with them on these days. 

Memorable Experiences

Polar Expedition - 17th January 2025

Cedar class went on an expedition to Deer Park Wood, finding different clues about different Antarctic explorers. They learned about how they travelled and where they went on these expeditions. They also learned about what potentially stopped them from completing their journeys. 

"I found trying to find the clues really exciting and fun." - Ed 

"It was a really exhausting walk and it must have been worse for those people going on an expedition in polar climates." - Wilf  

Science Oxford - 16th January 2025

The children of Cedar class travelled over to Queen Emma's on Thursday for a workshop with the excellent Science Oxford Centre for our memorable experience launching our D&T project "Engineer" and our Science project "Electrical Circuits and Componants". During the workshop, the children explored how a basic motor works, using their knowledge of electrical circuits and discovered some useful properties that they used later in the day to eventually create a handheld vacuum that can suck up a mess of confetti. They experimented with various design elements and solved a series of problems. 

"I found the workshop to be fun and engaging, experimenting with different designs." - Charlie

"The whole process was engaging and it was different making a vacuum cleaner." - Luther 

Home learning

Homework will be set on a Friday. Home learning journals will be sent home to be returned by the following Thursday. Activities and reading logs can be accessed via our online learning platform, Learning with Parents

Log on to TTRS or Numbots to practice your times tables and number bonds. Try to do this 5 minutes a day - it really makes a difference! Log in details can be found in your home learning journal. 


Reading Books

We hope that you will be able to read with your child for at least 10 minutes per day.

Every Friday we will have a library session during which your child will choose a new reading book to take home or continue with one they are already reading.  Books cannot be changed for a new text unless the previous one is returned.


Times Tables Rock Stars, Numbots and Complete Maths

Please use your username and password to log into the platforms (it is the same for both).  Here you can practise your number bonds and times tables. Certificates will be given out in Celebration Assembly on Fridays.

On Complete Maths the children will be able to acces learning to support what they are doing in class. These are bespoke projects, designed by their teacher to push their learning on.

https://ttrockstars.com/ - Time table practice. A specific times table will be set by your teacher weekly

https://numbots.com/ - Number bond practice.

https://auth.completemaths.com/login - Complete Maths Log in

Religious Education


Collective Worship

Term 2

In Cedar class this term we are focussing on the value of Forgiveness

Psalm 86:5: "You, Lord, are forgiving and good, abounding in love to all who call to you."

Luke 6:37: "Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven."


Term 1

In Cedar class this term we are focussing on the value of Thankfulness

Luke 22.19: Jesus broke bread and gave thanks. 

1 Chronicles 29.12: All things come from you and of your own do we give you.


Prayer space

Prayer spaces enable children and young people, of all faiths and none, to explore life's questions, spirituality and faith in a safe and creative ways.