Oak - Reception and Key Stage 1

Oak Class




Bright Lights, Big City


In this project, the children will learn about the physical and human characteristics of the United Kingdom, including a detailed exploration of the characteristics and features of the capital city, London. The children will then compare this city to one in another continent - Kuala Lumpur.




Place value, addition and subtraction, length and height, mass and volume


The Building Boy (narrative), The Great Fire of London (diary), Seasons (information text) 

Memorable Experience

Local walk to visit landmarks in Witney.


Driver project: Our Wonderful World

in thisproject, the children will learn about the physical and human characteristics of the United Kingdom, including a detailed exploration of the characteristics and features of the capital city, London. The children will then compare this city to one in another continent - Kuala Lumpur.


Companion project: Seasonal changes

This project teaches children about the seasons, seasonal changes and typical seasonal weather and events. They learn about measuring the weather and the role of a meteorologist. Children begin to learn about the science of day and night and recognise that the seasons have varying day lengths in the UK.

Design and Technology 

Companion project: Taxi

This project teaches children about wheels, axles and chassis and how they work together to make a vehicle move.

Art and Design 

Companion project: Rain and sunrays

This project teaches children about collagraph printing, including how to develop a motif to make single and repeated prints.


We are TV Chefs

In this project, the children will use technology to film recipes, written using their understanding of algorithms. 

PD/ PE Indoor Dance; Outdoor multi-skills (throwing and catching; developing balance and coordination) 
PSHE Developing positive relationships; Stages of life; Changes
Religious Education


What do Humanists believe?

Music Unpitched percussion - learning instrument names and playing in time to a beat.


Our PE days this term are: Tuesday (Indoor) and Friday (Outdoors). 


Home learning

Homework will be set on a Friday. Home learning journals will be sent home to be returned by the following Thursday. Activities and reading logs can be accessed via our online learning platform, Learning with Parents

Log on to TTRS or Numbots to practice your times tables and number bonds. Try to do this 5 minutes a day - it really makes a difference! Log in details can be found in your home learning journal. 


Reading Books

We hope that you will be able to read with your child for at least 10 minutes per day. Children in Green phonics group onwards will have 2 phonic books we are currently reading in class in their bags to read each night. Please ensure these are in your child's bag each day so they can be changed when we begin the next text.

Every Friday we will have a library session during which your child will choose a new reading book to take home or continue with one they are already reading. Books cannot be changed for a new text unless the previous one is returned.


What have we been learning? 

Bright Lights, Big City Memorable Experience

What have we been learning?    

Memorable Experience

Exploring Witney’s Human Features and Landmarks

"I liked the big church because the windows were so colourful, like rainbows!" John

"The Buttercross was my favorite because it looks like a castle tower!" Pippa

"I didn’t know people used to sell butter in the middle of town—it sounds fun!" Sienna


During our walk around Witney, we explored some fascinating local landmarks that highlight the town’s rich history and its role as a community hub. One of the most iconic landmarks we visited was The Buttercross, located in the heart of Witney’s town centre. This historic structure, built in the 17th century, was originally used as a market space where farmers sold butter and other produce. Its striking stone design, complete with a roof and distinctive spire, has been lovingly restored over the years and now stands as a cherished symbol of Witney’s heritage. Positioned at the centre of town, it was designed to be accessible to traders and buyers, and while it is no longer a market space, it remains a key feature of the town.

We also visited St. Mary’s Church, a stunning medieval building situated near the River Windrush. Built in the 13th century, this beautiful stone church with its tall spire and intricate stained-glass windows has been a place of worship for centuries. It was constructed near the river to signify its importance to the community, both spiritually and socially. Today, the church continues to be a place for worship and community events, as well as a historical site admired by locals and visitors alike.

These landmarks not only help us understand Witney’s past but also demonstrate how human features like markets, churches, and industry-related buildings contribute to the identity of a town. They serve as a reminder of how people shaped the landscape and continue to use these spaces in meaningful ways today.


"I saw so many old buildings. They look different from my house." Harrison

"I liked walking around the town" Thomas

"The Buttercross made me feel like a knight going to market!" Casi


"St. Mary’s Church was really tall. I wondered if it touched the clouds." Aurelia

"The best part was hearing stories about what people did in the olden days." Augustin


"The walk was fun because I saw so many shops and people. It was busy like a storybook town!" Josie

"I want to go back and see everything again. Maybe next time, I’ll take my family!" Rapha




Religious Education 

Term 4: Christianity

Big Question: Is it Possible to Be Kind all the Time?

Is it possible to be kind all the time? This is our big question in school, and it encourages us to think about kindness in our daily lives. Through discussions, stories, and reflection, we explore what kindness means and how we can show it, even when things feel difficult. We learn that while no one is perfect, we can always try our best to be kind with our words and actions. Our school values help us remember that small acts of kindness can make a big difference to others.

In our lessons, we will explore the question, "Is it possible to be kind all the time?" through stories from the Bible and real-life situations. We will learn from the Good Samaritan, who showed kindness to a stranger in need, and the tax collector, who found forgiveness through kindness and humility. The story of Jesus and Peter will teach us about kindness, even when people make mistakes. We will also think about how we can show kindness, even when it feels difficult. Through these lessons, we will reflect on how our choices can make the world a kinder place.


Term 3: What is Humanism?

This term we are learning about Humanists and what they may beleive. We will discuss the Golden Rule, basic beliefs and the use of the Happy Human symbol. 

Big Question: What Do Humanists Believe?

In our Religious Education lessons, we explore the beliefs and values of different worldviews. This term, we are learning about Humanism, a non-religious worldview that focuses on human welfare, reason, and ethics.

Our lessons will introduce:

  • The Golden Rule: A principle shared by many worldviews, encouraging us to treat others as we wish to be treated.
  • Basic Beliefs: Understanding how Humanists emphasise kindness, critical thinking, and living a fulfilling life based on empathy and science.
  • The Happy Human Symbol: The internationally recognised emblem of Humanism, representing joy, equality, and the importance of humanity.

Through discussions and activities, our children will develop a deeper understanding of Humanist values and how they contribute to a diverse and inclusive society.



Using drama and discussions to learn more about Humanism.

Evidence of Work: 



Pupil Voice: 




Term 2: What is the good news Jesus brings? 

To launch our new project, Oak Class took part in a drama activity to explore the role of a tax collector. They role played as the people of Israel, Roman Soldiers, and the tax collector. 

Questions for discussion included:

•How did it feel?

•How did the people of Israel feel about Romans and about tax collectors? Why?

•Is it fair?

•Who would you be friends with?

We then introduced the Big Frieze panel for the concept of Gospel and discussed the different features we could see. 

The Isrealites

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Uh oh! Roman Soldiers! 

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The Greedy Tax Collector!

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Term 1: What do Christians Believe God is Like?

Our focus this term is Christianity and the key concept 'God'. Our Big Question is 'What do Christians believe God is like?'. 

We launched the project by exploring the parable of 'The Lost Son'. He thought about how the father in the parable is a metaphor for God, and his son is the Christian people as God loves everyone. 

We have discussed important people in our lives, and how important they are to us. We have then thought about how important God must be to Christian people.

How do Christians show love to God? 

Pupil voice:

'Christians pray to God and light candles'

'They visit the church.'

'Christian's take care of the world because God created it and they want to look after it for him.'

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We compared this parable with the story of 'Jonah and the Whale'. We thought about what God was like in this story and how this compared with 'The Lost Son'. We thought God was forgiving, but could also be upset when people didn't listen to him. Applying this to our own lives, this story showed how you have to be sorry to get forgiveness from people you love, like how Jonah said sorry to God and listened to him. This made God forgive Jonah. 

Pupil voice 

'The lost son is a parable which is a type of story that Jesus told. God is kind and forgiving. In Jonah and the whale, God is mad. He made a storm. Jonah said sorry in 3 days and God forgave him.' John

'Jonah was swallowed by a whale because God was angry. He let him out only when he said sorry. God forgave him. God is helpful and kind.' Tiago

'We learnt a parable. It's a story by Jesus. The dad is like God. He's forgiving and nice. In Jonah and the Whale, God is nice and forgiving when Jonah said sorry. At the start, Jonah ran away so God was angry so he made a storm.' Harrison

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Collective Worship

This term's Christian Value is Forgiveness

Value icon

1 John 1.9: But if we confess our sins to God, he can always be trusted to forgive us and take our sins away.

Mark 11.25: If you hold anything against anyone, forgive them, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you.

What have we learnt?

In our collective worship activities in Term 3, we have explored faith and reflection in creative ways. The children made beautiful stained glass-style crosses, symbolising light and hope. We also learned about "teaspoon prayers" (TSP—Thank you, Sorry, Please) to help guide our thoughts in prayer. Another activity, "Turning Over a New Leaf," encouraged us to reflect on fresh starts and positive changes. These activities help us grow in forgiveness, kindness, gratitude, and understanding.


Pupil Voice: 


"I liked making the stained glass crosses because they look so colourful in the light!" – Casi

"Teaspoon prayers help me remember to say thank you and be kind." – Pippa

"Turning over a new leaf means we can have a fresh start and try again." – John

"I liked thinking about what I’m thankful for in our prayers." – Augustin

"Collective worship makes me feel calm and happy inside." – Josie

Evidence of Work:

Term 3: Collective Worship Activities 




In our Collective Worship sessions, we come together as a school community to reflect on shared values, explore key themes, and engage in spiritual and moral learning. We aim to inspire children to think deeply, ask meaningful questions, and develop their understanding of faith, community, and personal growth. Through storytelling, song, prayer, and discussion, collective worship offers a space for children to grow in empathy, appreciation, and a sense of belonging, supporting their emotional and spiritual development.



Pupil Voice:


Our Christian value last term was Thankfulness. 

Luke 22.19: Jesus broke bread and gave thanks. 

1 Chronicles 29.12: All things come from you and of your own do we give you.

We have been learning about the meaning of thankfulness and the different things we are thankful for.

We wrote a prayer to God to say thank you for all the wonderful people in our lives that help us. 

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We have thought about creation, and our wonderful world. We thought about what we are most thankful for.

Pupil Voice

'I am thankful for the birds tweeting'

'I am thankful for the rain making the flowers grow tall' 

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Prayer Space

Finstock CE is proud to offer prayer space where children can reflect, meditate, or pray. Each morning, the space is available to all children as a calm and peaceful environment to start their day. It is a time for personal reflection, quiet thought, and connection to their faith or values. Our children are encouraged to use this space in a way that feels meaningful to them, whether it's through prayer, mindfulness, or simply taking a moment of stillness before the school day begins. The prayer space fosters an atmosphere of respect and understanding for the diverse beliefs in our school community. 


Term 4 Activities: 





Pupil Voice: 

"I like the quiet time in prayer space because it helps me feel peaceful." – Aurelia

"Writing my own prayers helps me talk to God about my feelings." – Harrison

"I enjoy lighting the candle because it reminds me to think about others." – Pippa

"Prayer space is a special time to say thank you and ask for help." – Rapha

"I feel safe and happy when we sit together in the morning." – Makar



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