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Enrichment Clubs
Sports Club 2024-2025
The children are taking part in a variety of different invasion game sports, including football and athletics. The activity at Sports Club will relate to any sporting events they will attend during the school term.
Previously, we have focused on: the daily mile in preparation for the cross-country event; a running relay; and football skills.
We are now developing our sportsmanship and using our football skills in action by playing friendly games.
Creative Art Club Autumn 2024
Creative arts club is open to all children Reception - Year 6!
This term, the children are creating winter crafts and are starting to feel festive! In their first session, we focused on creating 3D art.
First, we created 3D snowglobes. We placed candles in them and turned off the lights to create a wintery atmosphere.
As a team, the children then worked together to create a giant 3D snowflake!
Week 2 in art club, the children have been creating 3D pop out cards! They’ve begun to create their own snowmen using their handprints. We can’t wait to see what they create with them next week!
Sport and Athletics Club Summer 2024
Welcome to the Sports and Athletics Club! This club offers a dynamic range of sports and activities aimed at fostering physical fitness, skill development, and leadership amongst our students.
From the classic favourites like football and cricket to the fast-paced action of netball, there's something for everyone. Sessions emphasise the development of balance, agility, and coordination through fun and engaging activities.
We believe in empowering our students to take ownership of their athletic journey. In this club, children have the freedom to choose which sports they want to focus on. Our club is inclusive of all children from Reception to Year 6. Older children have the chance to mentor and support younger members, fostering a sense of responsibility, teamwork and leadership skills.
KS1 Computing Club Spring 2024
In computing club, we have begun learning about algorithms and how to create these. We started by programming ourselves to move across the classroom using forwards, backwards, left turn and right turn.
We then learnt how to use the Beebots and programmed them to move across the mats. We have started learning how debug when our programs go wrong!
Art and Design Club Autumn 2023
In Art Club, we look at a variety of artists and learn to use a range of different media.
We learnt about Van Gogh and used oil pastels to create our own Starry Nights!
During Diwali, the festival of lights, we looked at Rangoli patterns and created our own using chalks. We began on black paper and then went outside and drew Rangoli's on the pavement.
We created Christmas crafts! W made lolly stick Christmas trees using pompoms and glitter. The children couldn't wait to hang them on the tree!
Year 6 SATs Club Summer 2024
All of Year 6 will be joining me for an hour every Wednesday to prepare for thier SATs tests. SATs club will be a combination of Complete maths, drilling, Reading and SpaG practice.
Japanese Club Autumn 2023 & Spring 2024
Konnichiwa Min'na san
(Hello everybody)
In Club Japan we have been learning basic conversational Japanese, how to pronounce our names and describe things and how to say how old we are. We have also looked at Japanese culture and food (the children were very surprised that there was more to Japan than Pokemon and sushi). Going forward, we will learn to write our names in Hiragana and talk about where we live.
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- Enrichment Clubs
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