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Cherry Class
Cherry class is a fantastic classroom that is full of learning opportunities for our younger children. Mrs Harris, our incredibly talented and experienced Nursery Nurse, ensures that the continuous provision in this classroom and the adjoining outdoor space enables our children to learn through play and develop their:
- Communication and language
- Physical development
- Personal, social and emotional development
- Literacy
- Mathematics
- Understanding the world
- Expressive arts and design
TERM 4: Ready, Steady, Grow and Signs of Spring
Ready, Steady, Grow
In the Ready Steady Grow project your child will take part in practical activities to explore where food comes from. They will learn what seeds and plants need to grow and grow a variety of plants. They will explore what constitutes a healthy lifestyle, including eating fruit and vegetables, exercise and teeth brushing. They will find out about life on a farm and about baby animals.
Supporting your child at home
- Visit your local library and find books about farms to share.
- Make a shopping list together and go to the shops to buy the food.
- Grow some quick growing plants or make a cress head.
- Talk about healthy foods.
Signs of Spring
In the Signs of Spring project, your child will go on a walk to look for signs of spring in the local area. They will learn about the changes that happen in spring, including the weather and living things. Springtime festivals will also be explored.
Supporting your child at home
- Go on a spring walk and take photographs of the signs of spring.
- Make a weather diary to observe how the weather changes.
- Visit a pond and look for signs of new life, such as ducklings and frogspawn. Visit again over time to observe changes.
Number Rhymes; Identifying 3,4,5 and 6; Length and height; Capacity |
Literacy |
Hamda's Surprise; Jasper's Beanstalk; Rosie's Walk |
Understanding the World |
Flowering plants; Signs of Spring; Frogs; Fruit and vegetables; Farms |
PD/ PE | Dance; Agility, Balance and Coordination; Fine motor skills |
PSED | Sensory challenges; Is it good for teeth? |
Expressive Arts and Design | Shop role play; Farm songs; Seed shakers; Fruit art; Spring music |
Communication and Language | Listening, attention and understanding; Speaking; Working in small groups; Taking turns in discussions; |
Religious Education |
Our theme this term is Salvation Our Big Question is: Why do Christians put a cross in the Easter garden? |
Memorable experience | Living Eggs - Hatching the chicks! |
Our PE days this term are: Tuesday (Indoor) and Friday (Outdoor).
Term 4: Why do Christian's put a cross in the Easter garden?
This term, Cherry Class have learnt about the Christian key concept of Salvation. They have begun to learn the story of Jesus, beginning with Palm Sunday. We discussed the signficance of this special day and created our own palm leaves to practice reenacting the Palm Sunday story.
As a class we learnt about the Easter story, and how Jesus died on the cross and was buried in a cave. We looked at examples of Easter gardens and made our own. We learnt why hot cross buns are eaten on Easter, because they have a cross on the front and are shaped like the boulder.
We have started to learn about forgiveness, and how Easter is an important time for Christians to think about forgiveness. We thought about what Easter represents. It represents new life, spring time, and saying sorry.
Term 3: How do people Celebrate?
This term we are learning about celebrations in different cultures and exploring worldviews. We began our first lesson by celebrating the new year! We talked about different traditions, made hats, flags, decorations and made New Year’s resolutions:
Arlo ‘I want to be better at phonics.'
Rufus: ‘I want to be better at swimming’
Jaxon ‘I don’t want to be scared of Butterflies’
Term 2: What is Christmas?
We began this project by thinking about giving. We thought about if had ever recieved a present and how it made us feel. We then talked about who we would give a special present to and why. We then practiced wrapping a special present for someone we love.
Term 1: Special People
Big question - What makes people special.
We have thought about what makes people special. We have thought about who is special to us, and then explored Christianity, Judaism, and Islam and thought about special people in these religions.
Bertie Owl asks children to think about ‘rules’ in nursery. What rules do we have here? Why do we have these rules? How do they help us?
We learnt that Jews believe a long time ago, a man called Moses was given 10 rules from God to help him show his people how to live their lives well. We found out they were called The Ten Commandments. We discussed: 'Is it good to have rules to follow?' What would happen with no rules?
Maths is taught daily to challenge and inspire all. Maths resources are available for children to access at all times and enhanced provision activities linked to our weekly maths focus are provided to encourage children to develop their skills independently.
Expressive Arts and Design
Children can access an assortment of creative and fine motor activities in our creative area. A range of materials are available at all times to encourage their imaginations. Enhanced provision activities linked to our current project are provided for the children to engage with.
Understanding the World
Understanding the World is an exploration of the natural world, past and present, and different cultures and communities. Understanding the World is taught through our project lessons. Children will find an investigation task in their enhanced provision each week linked to their project or something they have expressed an interest in.
Creating bird feeders.
Clean teeth egg investigation
Outdoor Learning
We have a wonderful outdoor area that extends across two levels and has a range of equipment to encourage the development of gross and fine motor skills.
Reflections and Prayer Space
Children in Cherry Class are encouraged to access our reflection area when they would like a quiet moment to sit and think. If they choose too, they can light a candle to help them think about our Collective Worship value. This term our value is Thankfulness.
We have discussed what prayer is, what people may pray for, and the different ways in which people pray. We have a collection of activities to access, or we simply sit and reflect.
We have been developing our spirituality in a variety of ways during prayer space, learning in both our indoor and outdoor reflection areas. We are thinking about big questions such as, "Why am I here?" and "Who made the world?".
Weekly observations of your child will be recorded on Tapestry. Any home learning ideas and messages from the class teachers will be left on here. Please aim to access Tapestry at least once a week to ensure you are up to date with your child’s learning.
If you need help with accessing Tapestry then please talk to Miss James, Miss Carvell-Turner, or ask in the school office.
Page Downloads | Date | |
Lets explore Did you know resource | 07th Aug 2024 | Download |
Build it up Did you know resource | 07th Aug 2024 | Download |
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