Collective Worship

Please visit the School's policy section here to view our Collective Worship Policy.


The vision for our school and all in our community encompasses our Christian values and are at the heart of everything we do.

At Finstock Church of England Primary School we believe that Collective Worship is an opportunity that allows us to explore our distinctive Christian ethos and that it contributes to the academic and personal development and well-being of our community. It is the heartbeat of our school.

Our Collective Worship aims to:

  • inspire and include - it should engage all learners by creating a reflective approach and provide opportunities to explore deeper thinking
  • nurture our community that is rooted in our Christian vision
  • challenge our learners of all faiths and belief systems to embark on a spiritual journey of reflection
  • provide a safe space where everyone can participate and respond
  • contribute significantly to the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of our pupils
  • provide an opportunity for all to plan, lead and reflect upon a variety of styles of worship
  • allows all to experience a time of stillness, reflection and the worship of God on their own terms

Ash Wednesday Service 2025

To mark the beginning of Lent, we took part in an Ash Wednesday Service at the Holy Trinity Church.

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During the service we sang songs, read our own prayers and listened to the meaning behind Ash Wednesday. We then took part in the 'Recieving of the Ashes'.

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Our children's prayers:

Dear God,
I am sorry for the times I have not been kind.
Please help me to think before I speak
and to choose love over anger.
Thank You for always forgiving me.


Dear God,
I know I don’t always get things right.
I am sorry for when I hurt others with my words or actions.
Please help me to be better and to follow Jesus’ example.
Thank You for giving me a fresh start.
Amen. - Archie

Dear God,
I am sorry for the times I have been selfish.
Please help me to share, to care, and to think of others first.
Wash away my mistakes and fill my heart with love.


Dear God,
I know I have made mistakes.
I am sorry for the times I have been unkind or unfair.
Please help me to say sorry and make things right.
Thank You for Your love that never runs out.


Pupil Voice:

I enjoyed the whole school coming together to celebrate Ash Wednesday - Adele

I love getting the Ash on my forehead.I felt close to God. - Charlie

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Christingle Service 2024

To celebrate the beginning of Advent, we held our annual Christingle and Carols service at the Holy Trinity Church. 

The children had created Christingles at school, exploring the meaning behind them and understanding how they represent Chrisitan beliefs. 

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The children wrote their own prayers and read bible verses to celebrate the season. 

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This was a wonderful event made extra special by the members of the Finstock community who joined us to celebrate.

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Harvest Service 2024

Our Harvest Service took place in the Holy Trinity Church led by Rev'd Paul Mansel. Families met us at the school to walk to the church together. We sang harvest songs and thanked God for the harvest, in line with our current Christian value of 'Thankfulness'. 

Families donated non-perishable food items, which we offered during the service and will be donated to the West Witney Food Bank.

Children in Cedar Class wrote harvest prayers, thanking God for the important things in our lived. They shared these during the service.

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Eastertide Service 2024

We joined Leafield School for our Joint Eastertide Service at St Micheal's Church in Leafield, led by Rev'd Paul Mansel. 

Our KS1 and EYFS children led the procession into the church waving palm leaves, a symbol of victory and Palm Sunday, to the song 'We have a King who rides a donkey'. 

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Children from Cedar class led the readings 'The Last Supper' and 'The Arrest of Jesus'. 

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We were then invited to light candles to celebrate the life of Jesus and aid us in our reflections. 

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Finally, children from Cedar class had written prayers to share with the congregation. We are thankful for our relationship with the Forest Edge Benefice enabling us to share such a wonderful service with Leafield School. 

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Christingle and Carols Service 2023

We held our Christingle and Carols service at the Holy Trinity Church, led by Rev'd Paul Mansell. 

The children each made their own Christingle using: an orange (to represent the world); a red ribbon (to represent the blood of Christ); a candle (Jesus is the light of the world); and 4 sweets on cocktail sticks (to represent the 4 seasons and North, East, South, West). 

We sang hymns and then lit the Christingles in a circle around the church in a moment of reflection. Children in Cedar class shared prayers they had written. 

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Harvest Service 2023

Harvest Service 2023

We visited the Finstock Holy Trinity Church for Harvest Service led by Reverand Paul Mansell. Our children celebrated and gave thanks for the crops, which have been safely harvested and the food we are fortunate to have. The children sang and read their prayers and reflections with the families who were able to join us.

Thank you to our school community for the food contributions which were donated to the Witney Foodbank. The donated food was made into food parcels and given to those in need.

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Remembrance Service 2023

Remembrance 2023

We held a Remberance service in school this year to honour those who serve to defend our democratic freedoms and way of life. We remembered the sacrifice of the Armed Forces community from Britain and the Commonwealth. We paid tribute to the special contribution of families and of the emergency services.

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Page Downloads Date  
FINSTOCK Joint Easter Service 2024 31st Mar 2024 Download
FINSTOCK Christingle and Carol Service ORDER OF SERVICE 1123 31st Mar 2024 Download
Harvest Festival Order of Service 2023 31st Mar 2024 Download
Ash Wednesday Order of Service 0225 14th Mar 2025 Download