
At Finstock Church of England Primary School, we believe that regular attendance throughout the year is essential to every child’s success and fulfilment. Having a good school attendance has a lasting impact on academic achievement, friendships and a sense of belonging. Full information can be found within our attendance policy regarding authorised absence, penalty notices, holidays, procedures etc. We expect all of the children to exceed 96% attendance.

Resources for families | Children's Commissioner for England (

We understand that there may be circumstances where your child cannot attend school.

If your child cannot attend school, please make the office aware as soon as possible. All absences should be recorded by the latest of 8am.

You can contact the school to report an absence in many ways:

  • Leave a voicemail on our attendance voicemail.
  • Ring and speak to school office.
  • Email:
  • Report absence on the Scholarpack app

If we do not know the reason for absence, your child will be marked as un-authorised absence.

If you know in advance a date that your child cannot attend school, please make us aware as soon as possible. Please collect a request form from the office, you will be informed before the date of absence whether your request is authorised or non-authorised.

Penalty Notices

New legislation has been released in August 2024 regarding Penalty Notices. The new legislation sets out a framework for all schools in regards to un-authorised absences. If your child misses 10 sessions of school (1 session is equivalent to half a day) within 10 weeks for an un-authorised reason, you will be referred to county attendance team for a penalty notice.

The first Penalty Notice is a charge of £80 per parent per child if paid within 21 days of receipt of the notice, increasing to £160 if paid between day 21 and day 28. Where it is deemed appropriate to issue a second Penalty Notice to the same parent for the same child within 3 years of the first notice, the second notice is charged at a flat rate of £160 if paid within 28 days. If further instances of unauthorised absence occur despite a penalty notice having previously been issued, or if the child’s attendance is a wider matter of concern, the local authority may consider prosecution in any event.

Please be aware that the school do not financially benefit from the funds paid by penalty notices. The penalty notices are produced, managed and collected by the county attendance team.

All further information can be found in our attendance policy:

Attendance-Policy-MILL-July2024.pdf (